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essential oil favorites.

I haven’t completely crossed over to the crunchy side, and I doubt I ever will. Chicken feet scare me, oil pulling sounds absolutely disgusting and the straight ACV shots burnses us. Being gluten-free and refined-sugar-free happens when I’m feeling particularly motivated and/or guilty for eating an entire pan of brownies in two days. There is one crunchy area that I’m a firm believer in though, and that is essential oils.

If you want to dive into the wonderful world of oils, do your research and find a company that doesn’t add synthetics, contaminants, or cheap fillers to their blends or single oils. Personally, I love Young Living’s commitment to product purity through their extensive testing and sourcing requirements. I feel confident using their single oils and blends in my home for cleaning purposes, and topically as perfume or health aids. I love my oils so much I never leave home without them! These are four that are always in my purse, and the easiest to use if you want to start living your oily life now. (Disclaimer: some are Young Living-exclusive blends, but many EO companies have products that contain similar ingredients to produce the same effect.) Thieves

This is probably the most popular of YL’s blends. The powerful combination of Clove, Lemon, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus, and Rosemary was inspired by the legend of French thieves, who formulated a special aromatic combination to prevent contracting the plague while robbing the dead and dying in the 15th century. The spicy fall scent makes your home smell so fresh! I’ve also used this topically when I feel like I’m coming down with a bug. You will want to dilute with a carrier oil (such as coconut or almond oil).


Fresh, floral, and calming. Lavender is one of my favorites because it’s so multi-purpose. Diffuse in a room for better sleep, rub onto achy muscles for a relaxing massage, put a drop onto acne or scars to make them fade faster, or combine with water in a spray bottle for a natural room freshener. I like to diffuse with peppermint during allergy season, too.


A little goes a long way! This one can be used topically for muscle pain, sinus relief and fatigue, but please dilute unless you’re a fan of burning skin. (And for the love of everything don’t put peppermint on and then rub your eyes.) If you want to really freshen up a room, this works wonders for stale odors and even bug repellant.

Stress Away

Stress Away is by far my absolutely favorite YL oil blend to date. Copaiba, Lime, Cedarwood, Vanilla, Ocotea, Lavender all combine to make this smooth, sensual, calming scent that I wear as perfume and as an anxiety reliever. I use this when I’m walking into a situation that I’m nervous about and can feel myself relax literally within moments. My husband also loves taking the roll-on bottle with him on tour for easy application before flying and before his shows.

Safety Disclaimers

If you forgot to dilute a “burning” oil and can feel your skin slowly melting, DON’T reach for the water and soap! Water actually makes the burning worse. Grab a gentle carrier oil, like coconut or almond. Not all oils are safe to use while pregnant or around children, either. Here is a great post about essential oils and children by a certified clinical aromatherapist.

xoxo, Bethany

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